2012年4月1日 星期日

songs tonite

close to nature

i feel like i 'm in a paradise..

is it touching really?

Kissin plays Campanella , he's the best playing it when compared to Yundi Li , Lang Lang or Horowitz

i think i 'm floating~~~

A touching translation of lyrics was found in youtube~~ i like the first part of lyrics though the latter part is a bit negative~

English translation:
I will never be afraid of lonliness again.
Lonliness has already locked away the real me.
The joy and love in my heart are fading away. The love in the past
is burning me fiercely like fire.
The joy tonight is already finishing, now I alone face my shadow
difficult to find one who'd understand my heart.

From that day I searched for love in the wind, it was already bound to be wrong
Looking back, I realize completely how silly I was
Regrets are left with me; tiredness is left with me;
being sad for love
Look, everywhere is filled with lonliness.
So much pain and bitterness behind the lonliness;
give me all the pain and bitterness.
I continue to fall into the deep pit, fall into the hatred and sadness
actually cannot be overcome the sadness
cannot overcome...
only left with me... being sad.

2012年3月13日 星期二


今WEEK電影節, 我的的電影節. 明天和友人mk broadway看桃姐;今天獨自看了8:05PM的My Lady -Thatcher;再看10:20PM的失戀33天.My Lady 啓發我們 we 've got to live for a meaning! 有几個誰人活得有meaning ?! 還是點小我的人生目標,我也是這一群自私的. 曾几何時,我頭上也有光環,去當義工起來.. 人愈大, 人愈壞!

中間時間清潔,一直沒有離開電影院,只知道要由HOUSE4去HOUSE5;就似失戀後換畫一樣,共通的是有期待. 阿叔好人, 借隣HOUSE空塲一個角位給我坐一會.光映下還打算看一個CHAPTER的小說.突然關燈, 電影又重播了. 看了15鐘,便走過隣HOUSE,仰坐著睡一會.第一個入來的,奇怪為何有人比她早.這塲十分精彩, 對白抵死, 高品質的賤人口中的對白,刻薄!絕!

看完, 想起最高頻率的,你會說起誰? .. 街上有人像誰.. 你會否想起她?! 想想看, 以最高頻率計的,我會想起她, 多年了, 早以為巳放下呢!

2012年3月12日 星期一


她沒發癲時,是一個有千言萬語的叮嚀,鉅細無遺的人. 有几分似曼玉,尤其是她的體態. 能想像她穿上旗袍的端莊模樣. 或許她的氣質, 比曼玉更為真實. 待她靜看文件時,總會在旁偷偷的, 默默欣賞她, 端詳著她長長的眼捷毛,密集而齊整的靜躺在半月彎裡, 可愛得像barbie娃娃一樣. 沒有在外面大聲妖笑時, 她間中有含蓄,迷人的笑意. 我卻常閃躲著她攝人的眼神. 她總能定晴跟你談好久好久, 之所以好久, 應只是五分鐘的談話, 在我來說, 說悶不是, 說迴避眼光不成, 說防止出洋相或狼相,也許, 仿似捱過萬重山.

2012年2月15日 星期三